I did put little green labels in my filing cabinet though! I've been looking up some ideas on how to improve it.
The place where I will write the agenda for the day.
I got these stickers at the dollar tree and placed them up by the clock. I think it looks pretty nice I was going to replace the clock but I realized that I think it is the school mascot, a squire.
I found this flower boarder in the room and decided to try to spruce up this old bookshelf a little and add some color to the room.
The homework board so they can see what is due and when, and also check to see what they missed when they were gone. Also an announcements board.
Student supplies. I'm not sure if I'm going to have each container be a different type (glue, scissors, markers, colored pencils, crayons, pens/pencils) or if I'm going to have a little of everything in each container so they can take them in their groups and have all they need in one spot.
The student center. Here is where the kids can get their supplies when they come into class, see what the homework will be and any announcements, and turn in work. I have a basket for each class, I just haven't labeled them because I'm not sure which periods they will be yet. I'm also going to keep the garbage and the recycling bin under the table to prevent people from shooting baskets all class. (Something I learned from last year lol)
My name plate! I hope to have a bigger fancier one outside my door eventually.
Cute little dry-erase stickers I found at the dollar tree. I figured they would be nice for little reminds on the way out the door. I put two on each door.
A little reading/writing/
My Bazinga board! It's really just going to be a catch-all for things I want to post. It may have really awesome student work, newspaper clipping from when kids are in the news, jokes, or inspirational things. I covered the table with orange and white chevron fabric I found at a thrift store. I think it helps brighten the room a little. This is a student work station, so I may add a little lamp and a few supplies. I need to find a Sheldon poster or a picture of his face to put here!
This is my project wall. I just hate how huge and blank it is. I'm considering just covering it with anchor charts or a big word wall. I'm open to suggestions!
The one thing I have placed on my desk so far.
I love my big cabinet :)
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